Monday, February 11, 2013

Okay, I'm going to be posting more. Hopefully once a week but who knows if that will happen. ;)
I'm not going to try to be poetic or have really good grammar because honestly it just takes too long, and it takes the fun out of blogging. So, I'm just going to write. :)

P.s. Heads up: My posts will probably be really random.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

About Me:

You want to know more about me? Okie Dokie.
Here goes... :)

I love God and I try to obey what He's told me from the Bible. I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be, I've got many things that I need to work on and improve. I love my family to death and my friends, and anyone that messes with them, messes with me. I love being with my friends and meeting new people. I love talking but I also love listening, I'm interested in people and their lives. Some people call that snooping but its not, I just like hearing about whats happened/happening in people's lives. (Even if its what they had for breakfast. Seriously, I'm not kidding.) Some of my worst traits are being bossy and controlling and loosing my temper. But, I'm trying to work on them. :)
I love to help people, and make them smile/laugh.
I love babies and little kids, and I want to be a teacher full time someday. :) I also like baking/cooking and planning party's and stuff like that. I hate bugs. (Not ladybugs and butterfly's but just about everything else!) I love nature, and seeing God's creation, and I really want to travel the world! I love fruit and popsicles and tons of other stuff! My motto for my life is: "It could always be worse." Because a lot of times I feel sorry for myself and complain about little things, like not getting to go somewhere, or not getting what I want, or having to do something. But It could ALWAYS be worse! I can think of one instance where it couldn't get ANY worse and that's being in hell with everybody you know. So yeah, I really have absolutely no room to complain! God's blessed me with so so much and the only thing I should be doing is thanking Him and praising Him!
I love animals. They're just so adorable! I especially love dogs and horses, and sometimes, I just really really wish I lived on a farm so I could just go and actually ride a horse without having to stay on restricting trails. But, if I lived on a farm, I would probably have to see animals getting killed a lot and I really wouldn't feel like crying everyday.
I'm an outgoing person and I try to stay cheerful and optimistic. Yes, sometimes I do get a little pessimistic, and melodramatic, but for the most part I try to stay positive. :) I love reading and watching movies, and I like pretty much every genre. I especially love romance, chick-flicks, and Jane Austen type of movies, and I hope that someday I find my Mr. Knightly. :) (If you haven't read Emma by Jane Austen, you won't have any clue what I actually mean,you would have to read the book to actually know... And the movies don't count. :)) I don't usually like being all by myself because then I get lonely. Some of my pet peeves are people who think they know everything, and bullying. I really hate bullying, and it makes me really upset and angry. I stick up for the under dog and people who can't stick up for themselves. I lovelovelove music and I don't know what I'd do without it. <3

There's lots more I could say, but that's all for the moment. :)